Who We Are

The History Behind Our India Based E-Commerce Company

The Company was started in 2016 by an Engineer. At that time or we can say present time as well 80 to 90% Industrialist or who belongs to manufacturing industry are prefer to buying all electrical and electronics good from local markets or big markets like Chandni Chowk and Chawri Bazar. I was also buying goods from these types of places, but if you ever visit these types of markets then you must know these types of markets have very big crowd and you also have to know where you well get our needed/right product, if you don’t know where you will find your right product then definitely you will expend your full day or as well as lots of money. or if you know where you will get your right product then you must have at-least half day and it is only for to get your right product and travelling time and money is another part and this type of market is available in big cities only and In small cities due to lake of shop, shopkeepers charges extra amount. then I realized that in India Must have one Automation E-commerce market where user can easily purchase industrial products. Good thing is that we are also provide the complete technical support on the product.​

Rahul & Shobha Sharma


Avail Machine Services

Contact us for Machine
Repairing , Servicing and We are also dealing in PLC, RLC Panel and Other Machinery Panel manufacturing.